
The Wiese Foundation launches the series “Know-hows of my community”, an initiative that seeks to revalue and preserve ancestral artistic expressions

Throughout its years of institutional life, the Wiese Foundation has worked on the preservation and dissemination of Peruvian culture and heritage, as well as in the development of identity towards the territory from the work in conjunction with the schools in the area of influence of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex.

Its new series “Know-hows of my community” aims to preserve and disseminate the ancestral know-hows of master artisans from the different localities of the  province of Ascope. With the creation of this series, the Foundation seeks to highlight the work of master artisans and their role in the transmission of knowledge and traditions to new generations.

What does this new educational and cultural venue consist in?

Each episode of “Know-hows of my community” is an immersion in the local culture and traditions. From the process of collecting materials to creating finished objects, the spectators can see the work being done each step of the way.

Its main audience are the children and students of Peru and, in collaboration with the educational institutions of the provinces, in each episode a group of primary school students is invited to get to know and learn about the ancestral artistic expressions of Peru as well as those incorporated from abroad by the hand of a master artisan,  who answers their doubts and shares his/her art, creative process and his/her connection with local culture and traditions. This series is also a way to highlight their work and share it with the world.

It is also a way to allow master artisans to pass on their knowledge to younger generations, ensuring that these techniques are kept alive and shared with future generations.

Temporary exhibits: “Know-hows of my community: Artisanal work”

El trabajo artesanal
  • Exhibit “Learning about sculpture” by Lucio Valverde

Within the framework of the activities that unfold in this series, we have been conducting temporary exhibits on artisanal work in the El Brujo Archaeological Complex. The exhibit invites the public to get to know and render visible the work done by the different artisans belonging to the various communities, who appear in the chapters of the series.

This represents an opportunity for the community because they can learn about the different artistic expressions and interact with the sage. Moreover, it represents a showcase for the work accomplished by the artisans.

The next exhibit, “Learn about ceramics”, will be held on Saturday, June 24, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon, where artisan Víctor Alfaro will share with the attendees his experience and knowledge about this ancestral practice.

The Wiese Foundation’s work with the community

The Wiese Foundation hopes that this series will inspire others to support efforts to preserve and disseminate the local culture and traditions. This is an opportunity to learn about Peru’s rich history and cultural heritage, as well as to appreciate the hard work and dedication of local master artisans. The series “Know-hows of my community” is available online through  the social media pages and the website of the Wiese Foundation. We hope that this series will be a source of inspiration and education for all who will watch it and a way to support the local communities in their efforts to preserve and disseminate their culture and traditions.

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